Today's Bing Wallpaper

Un tourbillon de couleurs et de traditions

Un tourbillon de couleurs et de traditions

Fête de Holi à Jaipur, Inde (© powerofforever/Getty Images)

13 mars 2025

Fête de Holi

Jaipur, la vibrante capitale indienne du Rajasthan, se métamorphose chaque printemps sous une explosion de couleurs éclatantes : Holi, la fête de l’équinoxe, y est célébrée avec une ferveur inégalée. Ancrée dans la mythologie hindoue, elle marque la victoire du bien sur le mal et l’arrivée des beaux jours. Tombant le jour de la pleine lune du mois de Phalguna, entre février et mars, elle est aussi célébrée par les communautés hindoues du Népal, du Bangladesh et du Pakistan, ainsi que dans la diaspora indienne ailleurs dans le monde.

© powerofforever/Getty Images

This Month's Bing Wallpapers

L’histoire de France au fil de l’eau


Château de Sully-sur-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire (© StockPhotoAstur/Shutterstock)

L’histoire de France au fil de l’eauDiscover the story
Un paradis bien caché


Broken Beach à Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonésie (© joakimbkk/Getty Images)

Un paradis bien cachéDiscover the story
Dans la jungle, paisible jungle


Lion au repos, parc national Queen Elizabeth, Ouganda (© Gunter Nuyts/Getty Images)

Dans la jungle, paisible jungleDiscover the story
À la rencontre du pêcheur aux ailes de saphir


Martin-pêcheur d'Europe sur une branche (© Javier Fernández Sánchez/Getty Images)

À la rencontre du pêcheur aux ailes de saphirDiscover the story
Défier l’obscurité


Statue « Fearless Girl » face à Wall Street, New York, États-Unis (© JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images)

Défier l’obscuritéDiscover the story
Un symbole de résilience


Fleurs de prunier, Chine (© zhikun sun/Getty Images)

Un symbole de résilienceDiscover the story
Symbiose sculptée dans la roche


Mouflon du désert dans le parc d'État Valley of Fire, Nevada, États-Unis (© Rachid Dahnoun/Cavan Images)

Symbiose sculptée dans la rocheDiscover the story
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About Bing Wallpaper Today
Discover the world through stunning daily wallpapers

Bing Wallpaper is a remarkable service by Microsoft's Bing search engine that delivers stunning, high-quality wallpapers daily. Each day brings a new masterpiece showcasing the world's natural wonders, urban landscapes, and cultural heritage sites from across the globe.

What makes Bing Wallpaper truly special is that it's more than just beautiful images. Each wallpaper comes with informative descriptions that provide context and background information, turning your desktop into a window of discovery and learning. These carefully curated images not only enhance your screen's aesthetics but also broaden your knowledge about our fascinating world.

The exceptional image quality and daily updates ensure your device always feels fresh and inspiring. Whether you're starting your workday or taking a break, each glance at your screen becomes a virtual journey to somewhere new and extraordinary. For those who appreciate both visual beauty and the joy of discovery, Bing Wallpaper is the perfect choice to transform your daily digital experience.

Comprehensive Features

As part of Microsoft's innovative Bing platform, our service offers more than just desktop wallpapers. We provide access to the complete Bing Wallpaper archive, daily updates of Bing's homepage images, and integration with Bing Spotlight features. Whether you're looking for Windows backgrounds, trending Bing images, or participating in the daily Bing homepage quiz, our platform serves as your comprehensive resource for all things related to Bing's visual content.

Multi-Platform Support

Our service seamlessly integrates with various platforms, including Microsoft Bing Wallpapers for desktop, mobile devices, and Windows background systems. Users can easily download and display wallpapers across different devices, making it simple to maintain a consistent and beautiful visual experience across all your screens. The Bing desktop application further enhances this integration, providing automatic updates and seamless wallpaper management.

Rich Content Library

Our extensive Bing wallpaper gallery includes not just the latest trending images but also a comprehensive archive of past wallpapers. From stunning nature photographs to urban landscapes, our collection (including the popular 日替わり画像ギャラリー) offers a diverse range of high-quality backgrounds suitable for any preference. Each image in our gallery maintains the exceptional quality standards set by Microsoft's Bing platform.

Interactive Features

Beyond being a wallpaper service, we offer interactive elements like the Bing homepage quiz, providing both entertainment and education. Users can explore trending topics on Bing today, engage with daily quizzes, and learn about the stories behind each image. This combination of visual beauty and interactive content creates a unique and engaging experience that goes beyond traditional wallpaper services.

Quality and Accessibility

Every wallpaper in our collection undergoes careful curation to ensure the highest quality standards. Whether you're downloading images for your desktop background or exploring our gallery, you'll find professionally photographed and expertly processed images that maintain their visual impact across all screen sizes and resolutions. Our platform makes it easy to access, download, and manage your wallpaper collection while ensuring each image meets the exceptional standards expected from Microsoft and Bing's visual content.